Q: I have an on-premise NEXUS implementation, can I subscribe to an Expert System?

A: Yes, you can.

Q: How can I purchase an Expert System configuration?

A: Email support@nexusic.com. Someone from our team will contact you to let you know the one-off cost of the Expert System configuration. Each Expert System will attract a nominal annual subscription fee to allow you to obtain future updates to the Expert System. Expert System costs will depend on the complexity of the configuration.

Q: I want to request a change to an Expert System, can I?

A: Certainly, email support@nexusic.com and the SME responsible for the Expert System will evaluate all requests from the subscribers. If the request is generic and all other subscribers would benefit from the change, then it is likely that the change will be implemented and an new revision published to the subscribers.

Q: I have a subscription to an Expert System, how will I know when there is an update available?

A: You will be notified by Wood when an Expert System update is available. To get the latest version of the Expert System, a person with sufficient permissions in your NEXUS IC database can login to NEXUS and download it. The changes will be applied to your database and details of the revision are shown.

Q: Will the Expert System subscription process work with different versions of NEXUS?

A: It depends, the Expert System subscription process checks the database Schema version to determine whether or not the subscription update is allowed. As a general rule, database schema versions will not change between major releases. For example, if you are running v6.8.14587 and the Expert System is currently on v6.8.25897, then the subscription will be allowed because both versions will be running on the same database schema version (8.211).

Q: Can I add new attributes to Asset Information forms which belong to the Expert System?

A: Yes, you can. Adding new fields will not break the link between your database and the Expert System you have subscribed to. However, we recommend that if you need additional attributes, then you should create new Asset Information forms.

Q: Can I edit attributes of an Asset Information form which belongs to an Expert System?

A: No, not without breaking the link between your database and the Expert System you have subscribed to. If you decided that you want to obtain future updates to the Expert System, then changes that you made will revert back to the Expert System configuration.