SPE Plus Expert System


The Static Pressure Equipment Plus (SPE+) Expert System contains the SPE configuration and adds on a semi-quantitative Risk Based Inspection Methodology that integrates with the SPE AIGs and enhances the assessment of equipment probability of failure.

This methodology enables semi-quantitative assessment of all damage mechanisms identified within API 571. Where possible, elements of API 581 are used for definition of probability of failure; when not assessed by API 581, alternative guidance is deployed based in line with API RP 571 guidance and Wood’s engineering experience.

Codes / Standards

In addition to the references listed here, SPE Plus includes Codes/Standards defined in the SPE Expert System.

“Managing Sand Production and Erosion”, DNV ref. DNV-RP-O501, 2015 (amended2021) “Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries —Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production”, NACE reference, MR-0175 / ISO 15156, 2020 “Guidelines for the avoidance of vibration induced fatigue failure in process pipework”, The Energy Institute, 2nd Edition, January 2008 “Calculation of Heater Tube Thickness in Petroleum”, API Ref. APISTD 530,7th Edition, 2015. Andijani, S. Turgoose, Prediction of oxygen induced corrosion in industrial waters, Water Science and Technology, 2004, Vol 49, Iss 2, pp 115-120.

Asset Types

In addition to the Asset Types listed in the follow table, SPE Plus includes Asset Types defined in the SPE Expert System.

Asset Type


Corrosion Circuit (lvl 0+)

RBI Component (SPE+)

Fired Heater Segment (lvl 0+)

RBI Component (SPE+)

Heat Exchanger Bundle (Lvl 0+)

RBI Component (SPE+)

Heat Exchanger Vessel (lvl 0+)

RBI Component (SPE+)

Storage Tank Segment (lvl 0+)

RBI Component (SPE+)

Vessel Segment (lvl 0+)

RBI Component (SPE+)

Asset Information



Assigned to Type(s)

Creep (API 530)

Tmin and accumulated damage calculations for RBI

RBI Level


Semi-quantitative data for External Metal Loss and Corrosion

RBI Level


Semi-quantitative data for External Corrosion on Heat Exchanger components

RBI Level


Semi-quantitative data for External Metal Loss on Heat Exchanger components

RBI Level


Semi-quantitative data for Internal Corrosion

RBI Level


Semi-quantitative data for Internal Metal Loss

RBI Level


Semi-quantitative data for Metalurgical damage mechanisms

RBI Level

Risk Models

High level diagram summarising risk assessment approach. (Should identify each damage mode/mechanism as a single item & also call out compliance with individual codes)

Inspection / Maintenance Events

There are no additional event definitions in SPE Plus over and above the Inspection / Maintenance Events defined in the SPE Expert System.

Dashboards / Reports

Template Name



SPE+ (semi-quantitative POF) Analysis

‘How to’ Guides

CML WT Tasks

Generates CML WT Tasks for selected workpack


Client Specific Lists

An implementation of SPE Plus will require the population of the Client-Specific Lists defined in the SPE Expert System.

Revision History

The following table summarises new and updated feature sets that have been included in major releases of the Expert System.

Revision No.



  • Assessment of Liner condition is now included in the Internal Metal Loss AssessmentnLiner condition is assessed in accordance with API 581 - a damage factor (and equivalent PoF) is calculated based on the time since last inspection. As time since last inspection increases, so does PoF of the liner condition. Theoretical PoF is calculated as the minimum of Liner PoF and PoF of the baseline material based on exposure to process fluids.

  • Assessment of Internal Anode condition now included within Internal Metal Loss Assessment. CP condition is used as a ‘PoF multiplier’ where a ratio of expected remaining life (based on degradation to date vs. installation date) to required remaining life is calculated. Theoretical PoF (the output of Liner / base material POF) is reduced progressively based on the remaining life ratio of the internal anodes.

  • New Quantitative Inspection Interval Calculation option created - Interval can be defined as a multiple of calculated remaining life, where the multiple can be determined based on the risk of the asset.

  • All changes in SPE to Rev 106 (Revision History)


  • Inspection scheme logic updated to align to API581 logic.

  • Inspection Coverage recommendations provided and based on 581 logic.

  • All changes in SPE to Rev 84 (Revision History)

A comprehensive (technical) list detailing all minor UI changes and bug fixes can be made available to customers who have a current subscription to this Expert System. You can email support@nexusic.com to request the complete list.