Move Assets
You can move an asset within the asset tree as follows:
Move it under another parent within the asset tree. In this case, proceed as follows:
Select the asset that you want to move.
either from the drop-down menu of the Assets toolbar button or from the context menu of the asset (available by right-clicking the asset).In the dialog that appears, select the asset under which you want to insert the asset node. If required, you can switch the asset view using the Asset Views toolbar button.
Click OK.
Make the asset a new root-level asset within the asset tree. In this case, proceed as follows:
Select the asset that you want to move.
either from the drop-down menu of the Assets toolbar button or from the context menu of the asset (available by right-clicking the asset).In the confirmation dialog, click Reparent.
If the asset that you have chosen to move has children, then the child assets will be moved along with the selected asset.
Ctrl-R is available as a shortcut key to initiate the move.
Cursor up and down move between assets in the picker dialog. Cursor left and right close and open sub-trees.
Press Enter to complete or Escape to cancel the dialog.