Anomaly Triggers

The Anomaly Triggers pane shows anomaly triggers assigned to the selected asset. It may also include a preview chart indicating which triggers apply at specific KPs (Key Points) or depths.

This pane only shows asset-specific anomaly triggers; it does not display triggers that apply to event fields independently of the asset. For example, if your Anode event is configured to raise a finding whenever its depletion exceeds 75%, that information won’t appear on this pane.

Anomaly triggers consist of predefined upper and lower bounds applied to event data. When these bounds are exceeded, IC-Inspection automatically generates a finding for the event.

The Is Active column indicates whether the anomaly trigger is currently triggered (Yes) or not (No). This is determined based on the following criteria:

  • The survey KP value will be compared against the Start KP and End KP values of the anomaly trigger.

  • The survey Date/Time will be compared against the Date From and Date To values specified for the anomaly trigger.


You can see asset-specific anomaly triggers only if they have been configured and enabled in NEXUS IC (see Set Up Anomaly Triggers for Assets).