Configure Unit Types

The unit type reflects the type of quantity that is being measured, for example, area, time or mass.

Under Configuration ‣ General ‣ Unit Types, you can create, edit and delete unit types.

Unit types make NEXUS IC unit-aware, and allow you to switch units in a field.

The NEXUS IC database comes pre-populated with a standard set of unit types and units. When a unit is assigned to an asset information group field, the value can be converted to any other unit that belongs to the same unit type.

Numeric fields that are defined with a unit group appear in the asset information group with a blue label. To convert the value to a different unit type, click and select the unit type.

Maintaining Unit Types

You can maintain unit types in the top part of the Configuration - Unit Type dialog.

To assign and maintain units within a unit type, use the bottom part of the dialog.

For each unit type, you must maintain a reference unit. When you add units to a unit type, you must define the conversion rate in the Gradient field, which tells the system how to perform conversions between the unit and the reference unit.