Configure Global Tables

Global tables allow you to look up data based on another field or fields. Global tables can be used to store a series of data (for example, properties of different materials, piping schedule data), which can be then referenced from fields in Asset Information Group (AIG) forms to get the required input values.

You can configure global tables under Configuration ‣ General ‣ Global Tables. Much of their configuration is similar to Configure Asset Information Groups or Configure Event Types, but the way they are used is quite different.

Using Global Tables

Once you have configured global tables, you can use them in the following ways:

  • You can link them to an AIG by adding an AIG field with field type Global Table Link and referring to the global table. In this case, on the AIG form, the fields of the global table will appear as drop-down lists with fixed values to choose from, where the available fields and field values will depend on your selection of values in the other fields of the global table. For more information, see Global Table Link Field.

    For an example of how to configure a global table for use as a global table link, see Example: Configure Global Table for Global Table Link.

  • You can configure AIG fields with field type Global Lookup (global lookup fields), from which you can link to specific fields within the global table and on the AIG form and set up a function to get the field value based on the values of these other fields. For more information, see Global Lookup Field. Note that global lookup fields are distinct from lookup list fields. Lookup lists let the user choose from a drop-down list, whereas global lookup fields are more like a calculation, filling in a value without the user taking any action, and without the user being able to later modify that value.

    For an example of how to configure a global table for use in a global lookup field, see Example: Configure Global Table for Global Lookup List.

Create Global Tables

The basic process of creating a new global table is the following:

  1. Click Add at the top of the Configuration - Global Tables dialog and choose Lookup Table.

  2. Specify the main parameters of the table in the Add Table Definition dialog. For more information, see Add/Edit Table Definition Dialog.

    When setting up the table, you can also use some standard buttons from the top toolbar of the Configuration - Global Tables dialog (see Using the Grid). In addition, you can:

    • Use the Field Order button to move a field up or down in the form or grid. For example, if you want to place a field between two other fields in the form, select Form … from the drop-down list, and in the Form Field Order dialog, you can move the field with the Move Up or Move Down buttons available in the toolbar.

    • Check the dependency map using the Map button.

  3. Add new fields to the table by choosing Add from the middle toolbar of the Configuration - Global Tables dialog.

  4. Specify the main parameters of the fields in the Add Field Definition dialog. For more information, see Add/Edit Field Definition Dialog.

    When setting up the fields, you can also use some standard buttons from the middle toolbar of the Configuration - Global Tables dialog (see Using the Grid).

  5. Enter data for each field of the global table either by manually adding data (Add button) or importing data from an Excel or text file (Import button) from the bottom part of the Configuration - Global Tables dialog. You can add a series of data as required.