Match Tasks to Events

In general, when tasks are completed in IC-Inspection or IC-Inspector, an event is automatically created from the task and they’re linked together.

In some cases, for example, when you created events manually, there may be no tasks associated with the event. In NEXUS IC, you can check associated tasks when selecting the event on the Event Listing tab of the INSPECTION screen and checking the record on the Task pane (see Task).

You can link incomplete tasks to an event in case they belong to the same asset and the same workpack and they have the same event type. The same functionality is available on the Event Listing pane in IC-Inspection. To match tasks, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Event Listing tab, select one or more events as required.

  2. From the tab’s toolbar, choose Shortcuts ‣ Match Task. You can also select the same option from the context menu of the events (available by right-clicking).


    The system automatically matches incomplete tasks to events in case all the following conditions are met:

    • The task doesn’t already have an event assigned to it.

    • The task and the event have the same asset.

    • The task and the event have the same workpack.

    • The event type of the event and the task match.

    The task gets completed and disappears from the Incomplete Tasks pane. You can now see the associated task on the Task pane.


You can also manually link incomplete tasks to events. For more information, see Incomplete Tasks.