Capture Preview

During inspection, if you’re using a device that is capable of showing still images (for example, it’s a DVR), you can get IC-Inspection to capture a preview of the video as still images on the Capture Preview pane of IC-Inspection.

You can capture a preview in one of the following ways:

  • If you want to capture a preview of the video instantly, you can choose Capture Now from the toolbar and IC-Inspection will capture a snapshot of what is playing in the video recorder at the exact moment.

  • You can specify a capture interval, and IC-Inspection will request an image from the device every time that interval elapses. In this case, you:

    1. Select the required interval under the Refresh: .. toolbar button, for example, 5 seconds.

    2. Choose Start Preview. You’ll start seeing the captured image, which is refreshed every time the specified interval elapses.

    3. Choose Stop Preview to stop taking capture images.

You can export the captured image using the Export button visible at the top of the captured image.