Create Anomalies

Anomalies can be created in a number of ways within NEXUS IC, including:

  • You can bulk import anomalies (see Import).

  • You can create a new anomaly whenever you want to link it from a record, such as a finding record (see Link Finding to Anomaly) or a library item in NEXUS IC, and you click Add in the dialog from which you want to link it. This triggers the Add Anomaly dialog (see Add/Edit Anomaly Dialog).

  • You can create new anomalies independently as described below.

Add Anomalies Manually

  1. Start adding the anomaly in either of the following ways:

    • On the ASSETS screen, choose Add on the Anomalies tab.

    • On the ANOMALIES screen, choose Add from the main toolbar.

  2. In the Add Anomaly dialog, enter the details of the anomaly as required. For information about filling the fields in this dialog, see Add/Edit Anomaly Dialog.

    When creating the anomaly, you must assign it to an asset and specify a unique name for that. The Severity and Priority parameters are used for scoring the anomaly and thus, it’s recommended to specify them to ensure the anomaly is correctly prioritised and can be accurately assessed.

  3. Click OK.


The new anomaly record is added to the list on the ANOMALIES screen and is also visible on the Anomalies tab of the ASSETS screen if you select the asset which you linked the anomaly to.