Import Assets

You can import or bulk update data stored in the Asset Information Groups (AIGs) by choosing Import from the toolbar on the ASSETS screen.

The format of the Excel workbook needs to be specific. We recommend that you generate an Excel export using the Custom Export Assets functionality, to generate the workbook in the correct format for importing data.

It is possible to create new asset hierarchies by importing assets with hierarchy structures that don’t already exist. In doing so, new parent assets will be created. In case this is not the desired result, the Test Import will throw a warning.


While imports are being carried out, transactions are now committed every 50 rows from the source import sheet, so table locking will be heavily reduced from v6.7 onwards. However, this higher frequency of transaction commits may cause other users’ NEXUS sessions to “refresh” the imported data, depending on the type of data other users have in their cache and the type of data being imported.

Import Files