Map Survey Fields

Before you start inspections, you must ensure that survey fields coming from survey devices are mapped correctly to the survey fields in the NEXUS database and that survey values are coming through. You do that on the Survey Values pane of IC-Inspection (see Survey Values).

The Survey Values pane displays all survey fields that are coming through the serial string. Survey fields are defined in the Device Manager, within the device they are being received from. The system automatically maps these fields to the survey fields in the system, however, you must check if it could perform the matching correctly.


To ensure that incoming survey fields can be mapped to survey fields in the NEXUS database, you must have an event type configured that contains the required database survey fields. This event type must have been created in NEXUS IC under Configuration ‣ Events ‣ Event Types with event form type Survey Data. For more information, see Configure Event Types.

Update the Source for a Survey Field

To change the source of a survey field, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the field in the grid.

  2. Choose Source from the toolbar of the pane.

  3. Choose the relevant input device from the drop-down menu.

Update the Destination for a Survey Field

You can log data from a source survey field into one or more survey fields in the database. The system tries to automatically find a destination database field to which it can map the source survey field. To change the destination database field, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the field in the grid.

  2. Choose Destinations ‣ Database Fields from the toolbar of the pane.

  3. In the dialog that pops up, select one or more fields under Survey Data as required. The dialog shows all the fields that have been configured in NEXUS IC (see Example: Set Up Filling Event Fields with Survey Data).

    If you want incoming survey data to be automatically populated into event fields, you can choose the required event field in this dialog. For more information, see Configure Event Types.

  4. If required, you can also set up several “meta” destinations, which can be used when a real survey field is not appropriate. To do that, choose Destinations from the toolbar of the pane and select one of the following options:

    • Survey Date/Time: You can use this as the destination for your DateTime field. Note that there is no field called Survey - Standard.DateTime, Survey - Pipeline.DateTime, etc. because date/time is the key value for every survey table, and it would be arduous and error-prone to force you to select them all separately.

    • Survey Heading: Use it if you do not wish to log Heading to a database field, but still want things that rely on Heading (such as the Heading pane) to work.

    • Survey KP: Use it if you do not wish to log KP to a database field but still want things that rely on KP (such as the Charts pane or the Pipeline View pane) to work.

    • Survey Depth: Use it if you do not wish to log Depth to a database field, but still want things that rely on Depth to work.


Now, during an inspection, the value of this survey field will be logged into the selected destination survey field.

Worked Example

See Example: Set Up Filling Event Fields with Survey Data.