Technical Specifics

Due to the technical differences between IC-Web and NEXUS IC, some features work differently and are specific to IC-Web.

These differences are listed below:

  • After 1 hour of inactivity, your IC-Web will disconnect. Also, after 10 minutes (by default) of inactivity over the entire web server, the web server will disconnect. In either case, press F5 / Refresh to go back to the login prompt.

  • A variety of tabs, panels, pop-ups, etc. will briefly show a “Loading” throbber when selected.

  • A variety of forms (for example, Asset Information Groups) in NEXUS IC allow in-place editing. In IC-Web, you will instead see an Edit button, which will pop up a modal form for you to do the editing in. This ensures that when you complete editing, IC-Web can immediately commit your changes to the REST service.

  • In some areas, when creating or editing a new item, IC-Web will implement the changes but the changes will not immediately become visible. A banner proposing a refresh will appear and allow the user to refresh the page via hyperlink.

  • When another user changes data, NEXUS IC will automatically offer to refresh your local copy. IC-Web will not automatically invalidate stale data.

  • Reports in IC-Web can be delivered via email (just as in NEXUS IC) but cannot be generated and launched directly. The up-side is that an IC-Web user does not have to wait for a report to generate before continuing — the IC-Web server will generate and email the report in the background.