Technical Specifics
Due to the technical differences between IC-Web and NEXUS IC, some features work differently and are specific to IC-Web.
These differences are listed below:
After 1 hour of inactivity, your IC-Web session will automatically log you out. Additionally, if there is 10 minutes (by default) of inactivity across the entire web server, you will also be logged out. If this occurs, the next time you attempt to click on a new item or access non-cached information using IC-Web, you will receive a message indicating that you have been logged out and will be redirected to the login page.
A variety of tabs, panels, and pop-ups will briefly display a ‘Loading’ indicator when selected.
A variety of forms (for example, Asset Information Groups) in NEXUS IC allow in-place editing. In IC-Web, you will instead see an Edit button, which will pop up a modal form for you to do the editing in. This ensures that when you complete editing, IC-Web can immediately commit your changes to the REST service.
In some areas, when creating or editing a new item, IC-Web will implement the changes but the changes will not immediately become visible. A banner proposing a refresh will appear and allow the user to refresh the page via hyperlink.
When another user changes data, NEXUS IC will automatically prompt you to refresh the information on your screen with the latest version. IC-Web, however, does not automatically detect that the current on-screen data is outdated. To ensure you have the most up-to-date information, re-select an item in IC-Web (that is, select another item and then return to the previous item).
Reports and imports in IC-Web (a SaaS-only feature) create jobs that are processed on the server. Any import or report you generate during your session will be available from the notification bar that appears at the bottom of the screen. However, once this bar is dismissed, you will no longer be able to access the results through IC-Web. Note that reports set to be emailed will still be sent upon successful completion of the job, regardless of whether the notification bar is dismissed.