Create Events

In general, events are created in IC-Inspector or IC-Inspection during an inspection campaign. Inspectors can create events directly from tasks upon completion or, if required, ad hoc events can be created too. Event data are then synchronised to NEXUS IC (see Synchronise for information about synchronisation from IC-Inspector and Manage Subscriber Databases for IC-Inspection).

You can also import event records to NEXUS IC from an Excel file (see Import Events).

If required, events can be created directly in NEXUS IC in one of the following ways:

  • By manually adding events from the Event Listing tab of the INSPECTION screen (see below)

  • By completing a task in the Incomplete Tasks pane of the INSPECTION screen (see Incomplete Tasks)


To be able to create event records, the required event types must have been configured (see Configure Event Types).

Add Events Manually

  1. On the INSPECTION screen, select the relevant asset in the asset tree and on the Event Listing tab, click Add Event in the toolbar.

  2. From the drop-down list, select the event type for which you want to create the event. The available event types depend on your configuration settings under Configure Event Types.

    The submenu lists all event types stored in the database, grouped by event category. Event types that are not permitted for recording on the currently selected asset are automatically disabled. The definition of ‘allowable’ event types depends on the asset type associated with the currently selected asset. This is configured in Configure Asset Types.

    At the top of the drop-down menu, you’ll see Hide Unavailable. If you select this, event types not relevant to the asset type of the currently selected asset will be hidden. If you unselect it, those irrelevant event types will be shown, but disabled. If you have too many event types to fit on your monitor, select Hide Unavailable.

  3. Enter the event data in the event form as required.

    The fields available in the dialog depend on the event type configuration settings. You can also enter additional notes, such as a quick summary about the inspection activity that the event relates to or comments about anything of interest or concern about this event. On the Summary tab, you must ensure that a workpack is linked to the event and that the correct date and time is specified.

    When adding a new event, the Workpack, Asset, and Survey Set fields will be pre-filled to match the event you previously selected in the grid before clicking Add Event. You can also enter survey data for the new event. If you specify a Start Clock or End Clock for which data already exists in the selected survey set, that existing data will be displayed. Otherwise, you’ll have the option to manually enter survey data.

  4. Click OK.


    The new event record is added to the list in the Event Listing tab.

Event Numbering

Whenever an event is created, either manually or through import, it is assigned an event number automatically. The event number is incremented by one as compared to the last event created with the same event type. Thus, each event has a unique number assigned to it based on its event type.