Using the Status Bar

The status bar at the bottom of the main NEXUS IC screen shows the following:

  • The database server you are connected to

  • The name of the database you are connected to

  • The number of currently connected users

  • The number of active jobs. This refers to the number of imports or reports currently running in the background. For more information, see Job Management Console.

  • An estimate of how fast the connection to this database server is (latency)

  • The memory used/available. When memory available is small compared to memory used, you are running low. In this circumstance, NEXUS IC may start clearing parts of its cache in order to avoid running out of memory. You can force a complete emptying of cache by closing the application and restarting.

  • Software Version

  • Database schema number

You can hover the mouse over several items in the status bar to show a hover-hint with more information.



You can right-click on the data shown in the status bar and click Copy to Clipboard to copy the content of the hover-hint.

You can toggle the status bar on/off using the Database ‣ Show/Hide Status Bar menu option.

Job Management Console

Double-clicking the active jobs number in the Status Bar triggers the Job Management Console. In this dialog, you can view more detailed information on each job’s progress, including jobs that are currently running or have been dismissed. A job may include an import or report.

SaaS clients can have their jobs offloaded for generation on another server. These jobs are visible in the Job Management Console. Reports will be generated in the Cloud and downloaded from the Job Management Console after their completion.

The Console’s toolbar allows you to interact with jobs. The behaviour of the toolbar buttons differ for Reports and Imports. See the table below for a breakdown of the functionality:

Toolbar Button

Report Jobs

Import Jobs


Allows you to download the generated report.

Shows the import summary, errors, and/or warnings.

Save Artifacts

Does not have any artefacts.

Allows you to save the source import files (csv or xlsx)


Hides the blue pop-up banner at the bottom of the NEXUS IC window.

Hides the blue pop-up banner at the bottom of the NEXUS IC window.


Aborts the report job if possible.

Aborts the import job. The import job saves data incrementally, so aborting will only stop further data from being imported into the database.
