Review Status
You can review the status of events or findings on the Review Status pane of the INSPECTION screen.
Whenever an event or a finding is marked as Reviewed (see Review Events and Review Findings), a review record is automatically created in the Review Status pane. If you mark an event or finding as Not Reviewed, the review record is automatically deleted.
The review record shows the date and time when the record was created and the username of the person who created the record. If a comment has been entered, it is also shown there.
The list in the Review Status pane is dynamically refreshed based on your selection in the Event Listing or Finding Listing tabs and only shows the review records for the selected event or finding. If you have selected multiple events or findings, review records for all of them will be shown.
On this pane, you can do the following:
Add new review records for the selected events or findings by choosing
Add. If you select multiple events or findings, a review record will be created for each. This is useful for marking numerous events as reviewed at once.
Update review records by choosing
Delete review records by choosing
Delete. This will set the status of the selected items to not reviewed.
Report Table Sources
To extract review data into a report template, use the System tables titled Event Review and Finding Review as the primary Table Source. For more information, see Configure Report Templates.
See also