Create Tasks

You can create tasks in NEXUS IC in the following ways:

  • You can manually create tasks on the PLANNING or WORKPACKS screen (see Create Tasks Manually).

  • You can also import tasks from the Tasks tab page on the PLANNING or WORKPACKS screen (see Import).

  • Tasks are automatically created when a planning template is applied (see Planning Templates).

  • You can raise a task as a result of an anomaly action. For example, in a previous inspection, you might have noted some fault by logging an event and logging a finding on that event, or NEXUS might have noticed that a data value was outside acceptable bounds and log a finding for you. You may then create an anomaly to track that problem, then create an anomaly action as your intended solution to the problem, and then create a task and link it to that anomaly action, so that the remediation gets carried out as part of a particular workpack.

  • You can also create a task as a continuation of an existing task: if you get partway through a task and are then forced to stop (by end of day, by weather, etc.), you may log a continuation task for the remainder of the work.

Create Tasks Manually

  1. On the PLANNING or WORKPACKS screen, go to the Tasks tab and choose Add.

  2. In the Add Task dialog, select the asset to which you want to assign the task and specify other parameters as required. Assigning a workpack and an event type is mandatory. For information about how to fill the fields in the dialog, see Add/Edit Task Dialog.

  3. Click OK to save the task.


    The task is created and displayed in the list of tasks on the Tasks tab.

Create Ad Hoc Tasks

You can create ad hoc tasks when you create or edit a regular task and select the Adhoc Task checkbox in the Add Task or Edit Task dialog (see Add/Edit Task Dialog). When you change a regular task to an ad hoc task, the available fields and screen options change.

In IC-Inspector, when an inspector selects an ad hoc task and fills out the form, the task will not vanish from their list — it will be available for them to complete again and again. You only need to create one ad hoc task of each type, as a single ad hoc task will be available on all assets. You should create that task on the highest-level relevant asset that has that event type available. Ad hoc tasks are suitable for events like “Damage”, where you want inspectors to be able to note any damage they see, even if it’s not part of the explicitly-tasked scope.

Assign Tasks

To ensure that tasks appear on an inspector’s task list, you must assign tasks to the inspector. To do that, follow the steps below:

  1. On the PLANNING or WORKPACKS screen, on the Tasks tab, select the relevant tasks (you can use multi-select) and choose Edit.

  2. In the Edit Task dialog, select the required inspector in the Assigned To field. You can click Add on the picker to create a new inspector.

  3. Click OK to save the task.


    The next time the inspector clicks Sync in IC-Inspector, they will receive their tasks.


In case you do not assign an ad hoc task to an inspector, it will still be synchronised to all inspectors that have at least one assigned task in the same workpack.

Reschedule Tasks

Reschedule allows for planning template tasks to be moved from one workpack to another.

To reschedule tasks, proceed as follows:

  1. On the PLANNING or WORKPACKS screen, on the Tasks tab, select the relevant tasks (you can use multi-select) and choose Reschedule from the toolbar.

  2. In the Select Workpack dialog, select the workpack to which you want to reassign the planning template task.

  3. Click OK to move the task to the selected workpack.

  4. On the PLANNING screen, go to the Planning Templates tab and select the planning template that has been changed due to rescheduling.

  5. Choose Update in the toolbar to update the planning template.


You can only reschedule tasks that are associated with a planning template. The reschedule option is not available for tasks that have been imported or manually created.

Complete Tasks

Tasks can be marked as completed in the following ways:

  • Inspectors can directly complete tasks in IC-Inspector (see Complete Tasks).

  • Tasks can get completed when an event is created directly from the task in IC-Inspection (see Complete Tasks).

  • Tasks can get completed from the Incomplete Tasks pane on the INSPECTIONS screen of NEXUS IC when you perform one of the following actions:

    • You launch the task.

    • You manually link the task to an existing event.

    For more information, see Incomplete Tasks.

  • You can complete ad hoc tasks in NEXUS IC when you edit the task on the PLANNING or WORKPACKS screen and tick the Adhoc Complete checkbox in the Edit Task dialog.