NEXUS Administration Tasks

The following sections describe common administration tasks around the deployment and maintenance of NEXUS IC.

Regular Backups

Daily scheduled SQL backups should be performed by an SQL Maintenance job. Retention policy is at your discretion.

Ad-hoc Backups

Standard NEXUS users can take backups as and when required using Database ‣ Create a Backup menu item. Backups are recommended prior to imports or large scale database changes.

Database Restore

Database restores must be performed by the NEXUS SQL Admin. We recommend using the NEXUS application to perform database restore of the proprietary .nexus-backup (or .aimbak for older versions) files. If restoring from the daily backup then restore should be performed using SQL tools. Confirm that the User Group has [dbowner] permissions on any restored databases.

Restore a database

  • Set up a shared network folder which is accessible to both the database server and to NEXUS IC. This may be a UNC path (like ‘\\MyServer\MyShare’) or if the database server and NEXUS IC are running on the same machine it may be a Windows path (like ‘C:\Database Backups’). Copy the NEXUS IC database backup file into this folder.

Add a user

There are two steps to adding a new user to the NEXUS database:

  1. In Active Directory, add user to NEXUS Users Group

  2. In NEXUS IC, go to Database ‣ Manage User Security and Permissions and add a new user, entering name and email address. On the LogIn tab use the SSO dialog to link the user to their AD account. (Alternatively there is an Active Directory Import option for SSO users). On the Member of tab, assign the user to the appropriate NEXUS Security group.

Edit a user’s NEXUS permissions

In NEXUS IC, go to Database ‣ Manage User Security and Permissions and on the Member of tab select the appropriate security group for the user.

Remove a User

Although it is possible in NEXUS we do NOT recommend deleting a user because this will delete all audit history associated with that user. To disable a user:

  1. In NEXUS IC, go to Database ‣ Manage User Security and Permissions and edit the user profile. On the Login tab uncheck the enabled checkbox.

  2. In Active Directory, remove the user from the NEXUS Users Group (or disable the user account).

Refresh or Update Software License

If the database name or SQL server name change then the NEXUS licensing will become invalidated. To refresh the license navigate to Database ‣ Properties and the License tab. Enter the unique license key, overwriting whatever text is presently there. Press the Request License button. License information will be retrieved over the internet within a minute or so.