Wells Expert System


The Wells Expert System is an “off the shelf” configuration in NEXUS IC that is tailored to Oil and Gas, Geothermal and UGS Operations in both onshore and offshore locations. It is seamlessly integrated with NEXUS standard functionality such as anomaly management, workpacks and inspection data.

It can be configured to suit any client risk matrix or severity grading profile and provides all necessary functionality to define and manage safe operating limits.

The Wells expert system includes:

  • Barrier integrity status monitoring (OLF 117)

  • MAASP Calculation (ISO 16530-1)

  • Well Failure Scenario Analysis

  • Risk Assessment

  • Well Barrier Schematic generation

  • Configurable performance traffic lighting

  • Dispensation management

  • Erosion and Corrosion modelling

  • Inspection planning

  • Dashboard generator

  • Report generator

If you have been using the iWIT well integrity management software, migrating to the NEXUS Wells expert system provides a number of benefits. For more information, see Migrating from iWIT to Wells Expert System.


The Wells expert system offers the following benefits:

  • Fully pre-constructed and tested methodology aligned to industry standards

  • Access to ISO16530/API 6A (and other) engineering calculations and tools as standard

  • Automated process workflows, which reduce engineering resource burden

  • Interactive dashboard allows you to focus on priorities as they arise

  • Get a ‘helicopter view’ of each region

  • Highlight high-risk areas easily

As a consequence, using the Wells expert system can provide the following commercial benefits:

  • Direct RBI cost reduction (no methodology development time, minimal configuration time)

  • 80% reduction in reporting cost

  • 40% reduction in inspection reporting costs (through digital enactment)


The following figure shows the elements that are delivered with the Wells expert system. For more information, click on the nodes of the figure below or see Wells Expert System Content.

Wells Expert System
Asset Types
Maintenance Events


  • ISO 16530-1 1st ed. Well Integrity – Part 1: Life cycle governance

  • NORSOK D-010 Corr 2. Well Integrity in Drilling and Well Operations

  • NORSOK U-001 5th ed. Subsea Production Systems

  • API Spec 17D 3rd ed. Specification for Subsea Wellhead and Tree Equipment

  • API Spec. 6A 21st ed. Specification for Wellhead and Tree Equipment

  • API Spec. 5CT 10th ed. Casing and Tubing

  • API RP 14A 12th ed. Specification for Subsurface Safety Valve Equipment

  • API RP 14B 6th ed. Design, Installation, Operation, Test, and Redress of Subsurface Safety Valve systems

  • API STD 6AV2 2nd ed. Installation, Maintenance, and Repair of Safety Valves

  • API RP 90-1 2nd ed. Annular Casing Pressure Management for Offshore Wells

  • OLF 117 rev 6 Recommended guidelines for Well Integrity (Norwegian Oil Industry Association)

Deployment Prerequisites

The following configuration is not automatically deployed as part of the “out-of-the box” expert system and needs to be configured manually:

  • Client corporate logos (used in header/footers in reports)

  • Report styles (corporate fonts and colours used in reports)

  • Client risk matrix (corporate risk matrix)

  • Security groups (Wood can recommend typical security groups if required)

Revision History

This is the first major release of the expert system.