Inspections Toolbar

The main toolbar of the INSPECTION screen allows you to perform generic functions on the screen. Individual panes have their own toolbar to perform functions specific to those panes.

Toolbar Option



Allows you to return to assets that you had previously selected in the asset tree.


Allows you to return to assets that you had previously selected in the asset tree, after you’ve used the Back button.


See Assets Toolbar.

Asset Views

See Asset Views.

Traffic Lighting

See Traffic Lighting.


See Import Events.

Custom Export

See Custom Export Events.


See Reports.

View ‣ Toggle Event/Findings

Switches between the Event Listing and the Finding Listing tabs. Equivalent to clicking on the Event Listing tab or the Finding Listing tab. The menu item allows attaching a shortcut key to this action: F10.


The items under this menu option show the various panes available on the INSPECTION screen. Click a menu item to show or hide them. Checked items are visible.

Time Source

If set to System Time, the date and time field visible to the right of this button shows the current time according to this PC’s clock. If set to Video Time, it shows time from the video player. As you move backwards and forwards through the video, you will see this time move backwards and forwards in unison.

Time Source ‣ Synchronise KP

If selected, then as the video plays, KP on appropriate charts will be updated from the video time. As the video plays, the system checks what time the video is up to, then it checks what KP is associated with that time, and it updates charts that have a KP axis to that KP. This only works if there is suitable survey data in the database, allowing us to get KP from the current time. Updated charts include Event type -v- KP, CP -v- KP, and Pipeline View, as these all have a KP axis. It does not include the Cross-Profile chart, as this does not have a KP.


If you have several saved desktop configurations for this screen, select which one is active here.

Save Desktop

If you have made changes to the currently selected desktop, click this to save them. Otherwise, when you restart the application, your changes will be lost.

Add Desktop

You can add a new desktop layout using this option. Any changes that you made to the visible/invisible panes and their location on the screen will be saved under the name that you specify.

Delete Desktop

Deletes the currently selected desktop from the list.