Close Anomalies

Once the anomaly actions have been completed and the anomaly has been remediated, you can close the anomaly. To do that, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the anomaly and proceed in either of the following ways:

    • On the ASSETS screen, choose Shortcuts ‣ Close Anomaly on the Anomalies tab.

    • On the ANOMALIES screen, choose Anomaly ‣ Close Anomaly from the main toolbar.

  2. In the Edit Anomaly Action dialog that appears, you can specify properties for the close-out anomaly action that will be created, such as the reason and person responsible for the close-out, and so on. The date of completion is automatically filled with the current date and the percentage of completion is set to 100.

  3. Click OK.


The close-out status of the anomaly changes to Closed and is visible in the Closed Out column. The Closed Out checkbox in the Edit Anomaly dialog gets ticked. A new anomaly action is created for the close-out, which you can see on the Actions tab on the ANOMALIES screen.


It is also possible to close an anomaly by ticking the Closed Out checkbox in the Edit Anomaly dialog (see Add/Edit Anomaly Dialog), however, that does not create an anomaly action for the close-out, thus, it is not recommended.