SaaS Deployment - RemoteApp
If you use RemoteApp and IC-Web for Software as a Service (SaaS), ensure that you meet the deployment requirements listed below.
For the RemoteApp, consider the following requirements and recommendations:
Supported Operating Systems
For the RemoteApp, the following client operating systems are supported:
Required Ports
RemoteApp requires client access to port 443 and can (optionally) use UDP 3389 for better RemoteApp performance. (See
Recommended Bandwidth
The recommended minimum bandwidth is 5 Mbps.
Recommended Latency
Wood recommends <120ms latency for acceptable performance with RemoteApp.
For IC-Web, consider the following requirements and recommendations:
Supported Browsers
For IC-Web, the following browsers are supported:
Chrome 54.0 or above
Microsoft Edge 79 or above
Safari 9.1 or above
Firefox 53.0 or above. 3D drawings may be slower in Firefox.
Internet Explorer is not supported.
Recommended Latency
Wood recommends <300ms latency for acceptable performance with IC-Web.