IC-Inspector Platforms

IC-Inspector can run on three different platforms:

  • iPad (but not on iPhone or iPod Touches)

  • Windows tablet

  • Android tablet (but not on Android phone)

IC-Inspector Feature Matrix

The availability of some features may vary across these platforms. The following figure shows the features supported by different IC-Inspector platforms.

Feature Category Feature iPad Android Windows Summary View summary of tasks and statuses Complete tasks Ad hoc eventing Maintain event details Set task status Search tasks Bookmark Delete ad hoc events, posted tasks Add new photos Add photos from library Add drawing Create sketch Share multimedia * * Edit photos * * Markup photos Delete multimedia View drawings Check tasks on drawings Scan Code Scan QR and bar codes Synchronise Sync tasks with NEXUS IC Server settings Clear data General settings Sync settings Key Supported Not supported * Only rotation and download supported Tasks Settings Multimedia Drawings


Certain platform-specific functions (such as Camera or Library) may have varying appearances on the different platforms.