Add/Edit Layer Dialog

The Add/Edit Layer dialog appears when you create or edit a layer for a drawing on the Drawing tab on the ASSETS screen (see Create Layers or Edit Layers).

See below for the description of fields in the Add/Edit Layer dialog:

Field/Checkbox Name


Layer Type

Specifies the way the layer will be rendered on the drawing. Only Region and Button with Region let you create complex outlines.


Indicates the colour of the layer. This colour is used for both the outline and the fill.


Specifies the opacity of the filled part of the layer. 0 is transparent; 100 is solid.

Show Caption

Indicates if the caption (defined below) is visible on the drawing.


Specifies the text string to show for this layer. This caption text grows/shrinks as you zoom in/out. It can be moved using the “grab point” at its top left. The text can be replaced with other text when the drawing is used in a report template or the drag AIG feature is used.

Caption Colour

Indicates the colour of the caption text.

Caption Angle

0° is horizontal, right way up. Positive angles rotate the text anticlockwise.

Associated Field

You can select an an Asset Information Group (AIG) field whose value can be displayed in the caption on this layer. The text will be appended after the fixed text specified in Caption.


If you want the layer to link to an asset, select the relevant asset from this field. For more information, see Direct Asset Reference.

Relative Asset

Instead of specifying a particular asset, you can enter text here. NEXUS will search for children that match that name. If multiple children match and the user clicks this layer and chooses Navigate to, there will be one entry for each in the context menu. This field is automatically filled with the name of the relevant asset if you extract layers from a PDF drawing. For more information, see Relative Asset Reference.

Associated Drawing

You can link to another drawing from this layer. When you click this layer and choose Navigate to, you will be navigated to the relevant asset and its specified drawing. That drawing must be available on that asset. This field is only visible if you have specified a direct asset reference in the Asset field. You can then select any drawings that are associated with that asset from the Select Associated Drawing dialog.