Set Up Email

To ensure that NEXUS can send emails (for example, email a generated report or the contents of any of the grids), you must ensure the following:

  • The NEXUS database must have an email host configured.

  • You must define the email address for the recipient user.

Set Up Email Host

NEXUS’ SMTP host settings must be configured to enable the email functionality.

For Software as a Service (SaaS) customers, the email host is preconfigured. For customers using NEXUS on-premises, the email host must be set up as follows:

  1. Navigate to Database ‣ Properties from the main menu.

  2. Go to the Email tab.

  3. Configure the email host credentials, including Host, Sender, Username, Password, Port, Enable SSL. SMTP settings are specific to your email provider.


    We recommend that the NEXUS IC email account is set up by your company’s IT team and all email activities are generated from this generic account. Contact your IT department for information on the Host, Username, Password, Port and SSL settings. If you are using a Wood email address, contact Wood IT for more information on this.

  1. If required, you can send a test email using the Send Test Email button.

  2. Click OK to save your settings.

Set Up Recipient’s Email Address

To define the email addresses of users to whom you may want to send emails, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to Database ‣ Security from the main menu.

  2. Select the user to whom you want to send emails to one.

  3. Click Edit two.

  4. Enter the email address on the Personnel tab page three.

  5. Click OK four.

The email address appears in the Email column in the Security Settings dialog five.
