Managing Videos

NEXUS allows you to record, parse and review video files during inspections. A typical process of managing video files during inspections is depicted in the figure below and is followed by an explanation:


  1. Specify the path to the project folder where videos will be recorded.

    You must specify the recording folder location in your video device’s settings. For more information, see Specify Project Path for Recording.

  2. Optionally, you can configure relative asset-specific recording folder paths in NEXUS IC.

    This allows videos to be recorded in separate folders for each asset. For more information, see Configure Relative Recording Paths.

  3. Record the videos files.

    Use your video device to record video files. In IC-Inspection, you can set up video devices as described in Add Video Devices.

  4. Configure a Global or Temporary Video Path from where NEXUS IC should parse the video files.

    For more information, see Configure Video Paths.

  5. Ensure that the video files are accessible under the video paths that you configured for parsing.

    If required, copy the video files under the relevant video path. For more information, see Copy Files to Video Paths.

  1. Parse the video files in NEXUS IC.

    To ensure that NEXUS IC can play video for specific events, each new video file must be parsed. For more information, see Parse Videos.

  2. Play back and review the video files as required.

    Once NEXUS has parsed the video files, it can determine which inspection events have associated video and allows you to play the video from the INSPECTION screen. For more information, see Video Playback.