Custom Export Assets

The Custom Export functionality allows you to choose a subset of assets and associated Asset Information Groups (AIGs) and export their data to an Excel file.

You can perform custom export by choosing Custom Export from the toolbar on the ASSETS screen.

The format in which the data is exported to Excel is the same format in which the data can be reimported (see Import Assets for more information on importing data from Excel).


The format in which data is exported is the same format in which the data can be reimported. Thus, it’s recommended that you create your import files based on the format produced by a custom export. For example, you can use the “Custom Export” wizard to export the operating properties of a Process Stream. Update the operating temperature and pressure in the Excel sheet, then reimport the data.

Perform Custom Export

  1. On the ASSETS screen, choose Custom Export from the toolbar.


    The Asset Export Wizard opens.

  2. Specify the name of the file and the location where you want it to be saved to. NEXUS proposes a default path and name, which you can overwrite as required.

  3. Click Next.

  4. In the next dialog, specify the export options:




    Select one of the following options:

    • All columns - includes all the relevant columns in the exported file.

    • All visible columns - columns that have the Visible Grid or Visible Form options ticked will be exported. Workflow rules affecting field visibility will not be run.

    • User selected - you can select which columns to include in the export. A subsequent dialog will be shown later select those columns.

    Asset Location

    Select one of the following options:

    • Single column - the location of the assets will be included in a single column, each node separated by “ / “ (note the space), for example, “Field / Asset / Elevation / Member / Anode”

    • Multiple columns - each node in the asset location hierarchy will have its own column in the exported file.

    Calculated fields

    Indicate whether you want to include calculated fields in the export.

    Sub Asset Information

    Indicate whether you want to include Sub-AIG data in the export.

    Hide Lookup Lists

    Extra worksheets are created for each Lookup List used in the forms. You can choose to hide these worksheets.


    Specify the formatting of dates in the exported file.


    Specify the formatting of times in the exported file.

    Cell formatting

    If you select this option, some cell formatting options will be applied, for example, cells with invalid values will be shown in red, cells not relevant to this AIG or event form will be greyed out, and so on.

  5. Click Next.

  6. In the next dialog, choose the Asset View and select which subset of assets you want to include in the export.


    Use the Select Children and Unselect Children toolbar buttons to include and exclude the visible and non-visible child assets. Simply selecting an asset at the top level will not automatically select all the child assets beneath it.

  7. Click Next.

  8. In the next dialog, select which AIGs you want to include in the exported file.

  9. Click Export.


    The system generates the Excel file to the location that you specified. If required, you can choose to open the document immediately.


  • The column order within the exported sheet is determined by the grid column order set within each form under Configuration ‣ Assets ‣ Information (see Configure Asset Information Groups).

  • The exported Excel sheet contains a Legend tab, which shows the meaning of various cell and row colours.