Configure Video Paths

To ensure that NEXUS IC can parse video files, the electronic video files (wmv, mp4 etc.) must be stored in one or more sub-folders under a network share location called the Global Video Path. Video files are NOT stored in the NEXUS database.

If you are working offshore, in a subscriber database, or are otherwise working with video that has not yet been uploaded to the Global Video Path, you can configure the Temporary Inspection Video Path to point to these video files.

To configure these video paths, follow the steps below:

  1. In NEXUS IC, choose Database ‣ Properties.

  2. Go to the Properties tab.

  3. Specify the video path for parsing as follows:

    • In case of a hosted or on-premise environment, specify the global video path in the Global Video Path field.

    • In case you’re working in an offshore environment, specify the local path where you store the videos in the Temporary Inspection Video Path field. This will allow reviewing the videos offshore.

  4. Click OK to save your changes.