Configure Features

So that some features can work properly, NEXUS IC needs to know where to get data from for specific purposes. To ensure this, you must define the source Asset Information Group (AIG) fields that NEXUS can use to get information for the following usages:



As Built - Order, As Built - Easting, As Built - Northing

Sub AIG fields used by the Map feature to show an as-built pipeline track.

Asset - Abbreviation

This field is now redundant but may be used in the future. Leave it blank.

Asset - Serial Number

Used to connect NEXUS IC assets to elements in a 3D drawing.

Asset - Tag

This field is used to store QR code data. When IC-Inspector scans a QR code or bar code, the task list will be filtered to show only tasks that contain the scanned code.

Coordinates - Datum, Coordinates - UTM Zone

Used by the Map feature to fetch real-world maps from OpenStreetMap, ESRI, and so on.

DVR - Relative Folder:

Used by your video recorder to specify the relative folder to record video into for each asset. For more information, see Specify Project Path for Recording.

Feature - Start, Feature - End, Feature - Name, Feature - Category

These fields are now redundant but may be used in the future. Leave them blank.

Pipeline Section - KP - Start, Pipeline Section - KP - End

Parameters required for the Pipeline View chart.

These usages are predelivered and cannot be modified.

To assign source AIG fields to these usages, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to Configuration ‣ Assets ‣ Features.

  2. Select the required usage in the list and click Edit.

  3. Select the relevant AIG field from the dialog and click OK.