User Interface Features

Even though the user interface (UI) of IC-Web is similar to the user interface of NEXUS IC, there are some differences that you need to consider. See the documentation below for information about the differences and some UI features specific to IC-Web.

Basic Differences

  • IC-Web pop-up “windows” are not actual windows, and cannot be moved outside the bounds of the web browser.

  • On the ASSETS screen, the options for adding, editing, and removing assets are limited slightly. There is no option to add a linked asset (with children). There is also no option to edit asset type properties.

  • IC-Web shows version information at top right instead of at bottom right. Other NEXUS IC status bar fields are inapplicable to IC-Web, and are not shown.

  • Some data entry controls, such as date/time pickers, will look and work slightly differently in IC-Web.

Grid Pagination

IC-Web paginates grids across multiple pages when there are a large number of rows.

By default, IC-Web grids use a pagination of 100 rows at a time. If there are a higher number of rows present in the grid, then the rows will be spread across multiple pages. The pagination UI element contains a Previous button, Next button, and also the first and last page.


The pagination functionality refers to the new type of grid format. Since grid styles are being changed over from the previous format, IC-Web grid pagination will not apply to all grids in IC-Web.


Multiple Column Sorting

IC-Web grids can be sorted by multiple columns at once. Sorting the grid is performed by clicking a column header and toggling between ascending (arrow up) and descending (arrow down). Grids can be sorted by multiple columns by selecting an initial column, followed by holding down the CTRL key and selecting a second column. This will sort the grid by the first column, then sort by the second column.

The grid sorting should persist locally and can be cleared via the customise > reset to default option.

INSPECTION Screen Layout

You can view the INSPECTION screen in IC-Web using the following two layouts:

  • Default view: Contains the Events Details pane in the middle.

  • Alternate view: Contains the Events Details pane on the right.

You can choose the layout from the drop-down menu of the Layout toolbar button on the INSPECTION screen.


Charts in IC-Web are rendered by a third-party library and will not look identical to charts in NEXUS IC. Charts in IC-Web may be slower to render than in NEXUS IC. IC-Web uses a different set of default colours to NEXUS-IC. To carry over colours from NEXUS-IC to IC-Web, you must define a Colour Axis in the chart.