Configure Features

Under Configuration ‣ Events ‣ Features, you can set which field is the source for various position information, used by the Pipeline View. Usually, you select Survey fields for the position fields. You can assign fields to the following usages:



Position - KP

Populates the Start - KP and End - KP fields on the INSPECTION screen, and used in KP-based charts and pipeline charts.

Position - Easting

Populates the Position - Easting field on the INSPECTION screen, and used in the Pipeline View chart.

Position - Northing

Populates the Position - Northing field on the INSPECTION screen, and used in the Pipeline View chart.

Position - Depth

Populates the Position - Depth field on the INSPECTION screen, and used in the Pipeline View chart.

Position - Heading

Populates the Position - Heading field on the INSPECTION screen, and used in the Pipeline View chart.

Longitudinal Profile - Top of Pipe

Used in the Profile chart.

Longitudinal Profile - Bottom of Pipe

Used in the Profile chart.

Longitudinal Profile - Left Seabed

Used in the Profile chart.

Longitudinal Profile - Right Seabed

Used in the Profile chart.

These usages are predelivered and cannot be modified.

To assign source fields to these usages, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to Configuration ‣ Events ‣ Features.

  2. Select the required usage in the list and click Edit.

  3. Select the relevant field from the dialog and click OK.