IC-Recorder Screen

The IC-Recorder screen is made up of the following main elements:


There are three main panes available on the screen of IC-Recorder:

  • Captured Video pane: Shows all the video files that have been recorded in the current session. From this pane, you can play these videos or open the file location where they are stored.

  • Main recording pane: Allows you to view and manage the video files that are recorded by IC-Recorder.

  • Captured Images pane: Shows all the images that have been captured in the current session. From this pane, you can launch these image files in the default image viewer or open the file location where they are stored.

Main Toolbar

The toolbar on the main recording pane contains the following options:

Menu Option



Starts recording video directly from IC-Recorder.


Use this option only if you use IC-Recorder as a standalone application. If you use IC-Recorder together with IC-Inspection, we recommend that you start video recording by initiating an inspection from within IC-Inspection. This will trigger video recording in IC-Recorder.


Stops the recording of video.


Use this option only if you started video recording from IC-Recorder. If you started recording from IC-Inspection, stop the inspection within IC-Inspection, which stops video recording in IC-Recorder as well.


Captures an instant image of what you can currently see in the recording pane.


Allows you to select the text overlay option to be applied for the current video. These available text overlays are set up either in IC-Inspection (see Set Up Text Overlays) or in IC-Recorder (see Set Up Text Overlays).


Allows you to refresh the video stream or image in the current pane.

Edit Overlays

Allows you to configure text overlays. For more information, see Set Up Text Overlays.

Time Source

If set to System Time, the date and time field visible to the right of this button shows the current time according to this PC’s clock. If set to IC-Inspection Time, it shows time from IC-Inspection.


If you use multiple ROVs during inspection, you can select the ROV from this menu to display the relevant video channel.

Status Bar

The status bar at the bottom of the IC-Recorder screen shows the following:

  • Whether IC-Inspection is connected

  • The port that you are connected to

  • The status of video recording

  • The path to the project location folder where the recorded videos will be stored. You can click this path to open the folder or change the project location.

  • The resolution of the video

  • The available HD space

  • Software Version

You can hide the status bar from the View menu option.