Findings Listing

You can see the list of all events that have associated findings on the selected asset (and it’s children, if it’s enabled) on the Finding Listing tab of the INSPECTION screen.


If you have selected an event with a finding on the Event Listing tab and you switch to the Finding Listing tab, your selection will be carried over to the Finding Listing tab.

Filtering Findings

The asset tree acts as the main filter for the findings listed in the grid. When you select an asset in the asset tree, you can see the list of events with findings recorded on the selected asset, and, if you selected Child Assets, the list will include the findings for all the children of the selected asset too.

You can filter findings in the grid based on:

  • Workpacks - Choose Filter ‣ By Workpack from the toolbar of the tab to select the workpacks based on which you want to filter the findings.

  • Event Type - Choose Filter ‣ By Event Type from the toolbar of the tab to select the event types based on which you want to filter the findings. If you have no event types selected, then all findings will be shown.


    When findings are filtered by event type from the toolbar menu, and there are only events of a single event type displayed in the grid, the fields of the specific event type will get added as columns in the finding listing grid.

All columns in the grid can also be filtered and sorted using the standard filtering (see Filtering) and sorting (see Sorting) functionality.


By default, the Finding Listing tab displays columns that are common to all findings displayed. The first columns in the grid represent the following:




Shows a colour that indicates the status of the Finding. See below for more information.


An icon is shown if there’s multimedia attached to the event.


An icon is shown if there’s a video attached to the event.

Finding Statuses

The colours of the icons in the Finding column indicate the status of the finding, which can be the following:



yellow (Yellow)

The finding needs to be reviewed. By default, all new findings get this status.

green (Green)

The finding has been deemed insignificant and is not linked to an anomaly. A finding gets this status if you mark it as not requiring an anomaly when editing the finding.

grey (Grey)

The finding is linked to a closed anomaly.

red (Red)

The finding is linked to an open anomaly.

Perform Actions on Findings

From the Finding Listing tab, you can perform actions on findings using the relevant toolbar buttons or right-clicking any of the events, which offers most of the options that the Finding toolbar menu has.

You can perform the following actions:

  • Create findings (see Create Findings)

  • Update findings (see Edit Findings)

  • Review findings (see Review Findings)

  • Link finding to an anomaly (see Link Finding to Anomaly)

  • Delete findings - To delete findings, you can select or multiselect findings on the Finding Listing tab and click Delete in the toolbar or choose this option from the context menu (available by right-clicking the item).

Findings Listing Toolbar

For information about the toolbar menu options in the Finding Listing tab, see below:

Toolbar Option


Finding ‣ Mark finding as reviewed/reviewed (with comment)/not reviewed

See Review Findings.

Finding ‣ Launch Anomaly

See Launch Anomaly.

Finding ‣ Link Anomaly

See Link Finding to Anomaly.

Finding ‣ Unlink Anomaly

See Unlink Anomaly.


Deletes the currently selected finding records. If multiple findings have been selected, then a dialog will show how many findings will be deleted and prompt you to confirm by clicking on the Delete button.

Filter ‣ By Workpack …/By Event Type …

See Filtering Findings.

Child Assets

When enabled, findings for the currently selected asset and all sub-assets will be included in the Finding Listing tab. When disabled, only findings that have been recorded on the currently selected asset will appear in the grid.

Events ‣ Event Reviewed…

See Review Events.

Events ‣ Navigate to the event asset

Changes the focus in the asset tree to the asset on which this event has been recorded. To change back, click on the back arrow (Previous Asset) in the main toolbar above the asset tree.

Events ‣ Toggle Bookmark

Bookmarks are flags on an event. Bookmarked events are identified by a star symbol in the B column of the Event Listing tab. The use of bookmarks and the workflow around setting and removing bookmarks depends on your own specific requirements.


See Connections.


See Export.


See Customise.