Charts and Drawings

You can put a drawing behind a chart template. This is useful when the chart template shows event data — you can show that event data right on a drawing or photo of the asset itself.

You can also show regions (points, lines, shapes) from events on a chart template, and you can show multimedia (photos) on a chart template.

Configuring this involves visiting several different areas of NEXUS IC, so it is documented here, rather than in any specific area.

Configuring an Event Type to include a shape

First, take a database backup.

Then go to Configure Event Types. Ensure that a sub-event is created, and that in the bottom half of the configuration dialog it has two numeric fields called X and Y.

Still in Configure Event Types, select the event you want to show as a polygon, series of lines, or point on the chart template. In the bottom half of the configuration dialog, ensure that it has a field of type Table Link. Edit this field. On its Field Definition page, ensure that its Sub AIG/Event is set to the sub-event you created in the previous step.

On its Field Layout page, look at its Editor Type. If you would like this to show on the chart template as a series of line segments (i.e. as an open curve, good for representing cracks, scratches, etc) select Graphical Markup (Line). If you would like it to show as a point, select Graphical Markup (Point). If you would like it to show as a polygon (i.e. a closed curve), select Graphical Markup (Region).

Configuring the Chart Template to support Drawings and Event shapes

Go to Configure Chart Templates. Edit the chart template you want to show events on. Ensure that Show Drawings is checked.

Still on that Chart Template, in the bottom half of the dialog, ensure that the Chart Template has a Series for the Event Type that you want to display on the chart. Edit the Series. Ensure that its Series Type is set to match the Editor Type that you picked for the Event’s Table Link field: Points for Graphical Markup (Point); Polygon for Graphical Markup (Region); Polyline for Graphical Markup (Line). On the Series’ Axis page, ensure that it has an X and a Y axis. Edit each Axis. For the X Axis, ensure that the Parameters (Inputs) value is set to the X field of the Sub Event. For the Y Axis, similarly ensure it is set to the Y field of the Sub Event.

Configuring a Drawing to support display behind a Chart Template

Go to Drawings, click Edit Layers, add a rectangle layer, change its type to Coordinates, set an Asset for that layer, set left/right/top/bottom for that layer.

On the Inspections screen, in the Charts pane, select the Chart Template. Click the Drawings button/menu and pick the Drawing from the list.

At least one event must have event shape data on it for the Chart Template to show the Drawing — the Chart Template zooms to Event data, not to the coordinates layer. If that Event’s Shape is completely outside the Coordinates you selected for the drawing Layer, the Drawing may not be visible.

Once the image is set up correctly in the Chart Template, it will also show in the Event shape editor.

Photos in Events onto Chart Templates

You can have a multimedia (e.g. a photo) on the event’s shape layer. In shape layer editor in Event Details, click Multimedia then pick photo. You can move and size the photo.

Mouse wheel zoom may not work in the Event shape editor. This is a focus issue related to Windows. Use the magnify+ and magnify- buttons instead.

When you change an Event’s shape, the Chart Template may not automatically refresh in 6.0. Click off the asset and back on to force a refresh.