Edit Assets and Asset Types

You can edit the properties of existing assets and asset types, or change their assignments any time after they have been created.

Edit Assets

You can change an existing asset’s name, assign new asset types to it, or modify the Primary Asset indicator settings.

You can edit these properties in one of the following ways:

  • Choose Assets ‣ Edit ‣ Asset Properties … from the toolbar on the ASSETS screen.

  • Right-click the asset and select Edit from the context menu.

Edit Asset Types

You can change an existing asset type’s properties or assign AIGs, event definitions, survey data groups, risk models or library items to it. To do that, you make changes in the Edit Asset Type dialog as described in Configure Asset Types.

You can access this dialog in one of the following ways:

  • Navigate to Configuration ‣ Assets ‣ Types from the main menu.

  • Choose Assets ‣ Edit ‣ Asset Type Properties from the toolbar on the ASSETS screen.