Default Configuration Content

The Default Configuration comes with the following elements:

Asset Information Groups (AIGs)

AIG Name



Availability / Operability Status

General Data

Captures and stores availability statistics from facility to component to track and report on availability across the asset pool. Find more information below the table.


External References

Standard Maximo Asset Identification attributes

Risk Assessment Sign off / Actions


Sign-off or approvals for risk assessments with an action register and re-assessment scheduling information. Facilitates the approval and sign-off process for digitally stored risk assessments. Captures actions associated with the risk assessments the risk result on approval to profile risk over the life of the facility. Find more information below the table.

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There are some generic, commonly used functions available in the Default Configuration database.

Not all functions contained in the Default Configuration are described here. The following, commonly used generic functions can be used in any databases that inherit from this Default Configuration:


Function Name



Due / Overdue Traffic Light to Colour

Takes a <No. days> and <due date> as input parameters. Returns Green, Amber, Red based on Not due, Due within and Overdue.


Yes/No to Colour

Takes a <Yes/No> type input and returns either NEXUS Green (Yes), NEXUS Orange (No) or Grey (null) from the NEXUS colour palette.


Anomaly Action Overdue Status to Colour

Takes the <Anomaly.Action Overdue Status> text ‘No Actions’, ‘Overdue’ or ‘Upcoming’ and returns a colour for charting.


Anomaly Action Status to Colour

Takes the <Anomaly.Action Status> text ‘Complete’, ‘Incomplete’ or ‘No Action Assigned’ and returns a colour.

Database Configuration

Normalise Axis Value

Takes the Risk Assessment <value> as a whole number, and the maximum number matrix <granules> on this axis and returns a value between 0 and 1.

Date and Duration

Days from Today

Takes <Input Date> and calculates the number of days from today’s date. A negative result is number of days elapsed from the <Input Date> to today, a positive result is number of days from today to the <Input Date> (in the future).

Date and Duration

Today’s Date (as Date)

Returns today’s date in Date format.

Date and Duration

Today’s Date (as Date/Time)

Returns today’s date in Date/Time format.


Date (MM-DD) as String

Takes a <Date> type input and returns MM-DD with alphanumeric type.


Date (YYYY) as String

Takes a <Date> type input and returns YYYY with alphanumeric type.


Date (YYYY) as String

Takes a <Date> type input and returns YYYY-MM with alphanumeric type.


Date (YYYY-MM) as String

Takes a <Date> type input and returns YYYY-MM with alphanumeric Type


Pad Leading Zeroes

Takes the <Integer> number to pad and the <Total Length (1..10)> of the whole number. For example, input Integer 355 padded to 6 will output “000355”.


Current user name

Returns the name of the user that is logged into this session. No inputs required.


Is Current User?

Takes the <SU_ID> or <Personnel.Name> and determines if the input SU_ID or Personnel.Name matches the currently logged in user. Returns “Yes” or “No”.


Is this asset Risk Assessed?

If the input Asset <Component_ID> has a Risk Assessment assigned to it, then it returns “Yes”, else it returns “No”.


Is AIG Assigned to this Asset Type?

Returns “Yes” if the <AIG Name> is assigned to the <Asset Type Name>, else it returns “No”.


Date of most recent Event (by Event Type)

Takes the Asset <Component_ID> and <Event Type> name and returns the most recent event date (including child assets).


Return Value from Named Value Pair

Returns the Value from the Base ExSys Configuration Global Table. It passes in the <parameter> Name.


Due / Overdue Traffic Light to Text

Takes a <No. days> and <due date> as inputs. Returns “Overdue”, “Due within <No. Days> days”, “Not due for more than <No. Days> days” or “No Due Date or Due Window defined”.


No. Layers

Returns the number of Drawings layers that are associated with this asset <Component_ID>.


No. Linked Drawings

Returns the number of Drawings that are linked to this asset <Component_ID>.

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Reports and Dashboards

Report Name


Base ExSys Report Elements

A report containing sample tables and charts from the core database schema that can be used to help accelerate construction of other reports. Use the Retrieve Element button to transfer the selected items to your new report. Example charts and tables of the report elements are shown below.

Database Configuration

Lists key configuration elements of the database including the dynamic table definitions, Security Groups and User Lists, Lookup Lists, Expert System revisions, Triggers and Configuration Issues.

Report elements are put into the following categories (click the items to see examples for each category):

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Traffic Lights

Whilst traffic lights can be configured to suit specific client requirements, there are a selection of traffic lights that are included in each database deployment.

Traffic Light Name



Displays traffic lights based on Anomaly Count of this asset and all child assets.

Event History

Shows where inspection data exists on this asset and child assets.

Incomplete Tasks

Highlights where incomplete tasks are the active workpack on the asset tree.


Displays the worst-case risk from this asset and all its child assets.

Rolled up Risk

Shows the rolled up (maximum) risk for an asset and all of its children.

RBI Assessment Review Status

Displays the status of the latest revision cycle (Prepared, Accepted or Accepted).

RBI Deferral Date Status

Where an RBI assessment has been deferred, it shows the Deferral Due Date Status (Red = Overdue, Amber = Due within 90 Days, Green Due > 90 Days).

RBI Re-assessment Due Date Status

Shows the Re-assessment Date Status (Red = Overdue, Amber = Due within 90 Days, Green Due > 90 Days).



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Client-Specific Lists

Wood delivers “out-of-the-box” configuration for the global tables and lookup lists listed below. These tables and lookup lists are delivered without data. To ensure that the system works effectively, customers must populate them with their own company-specific data upon deployment. Wood can provide sensible default data if required.




Lookup List

Risk Assessment Engineer

To be populated with a list of engineers who might be responsible for preparing, accepting or approving risk assessments, or engineers who can create or be assigned risk assessment actions. When the engineer name matches a user name in the database, then these records are visualised in My Dashboard for that logged in user.

Lookup List

Availability / Operability Status

A list of operability statuses. It is used in conjunction with the global lookup table to calculate and visualise asset or component availability. For example, Available; Available with concerns; Unavailable; Maintenance PM; Decommissioned.

Global Table

Base ExSys Configuration

Global Table

Availability / Operability Status Traffic Lights

For each of the availability/operability statuses defined in the lookup list (above), indicates if the status is Available and the colour assigned to the status. For example, Available, Yes, Green; Available with concerns, Yes, Yellow; Unavailable, No, Red; Maintenance PM, No, Blue; Decommissioned, No, Grey.

Global Table

Approval Status Traffic Light

Depending on the For example, No revision history, Grey; Prepared | Accepted Approved, Green; Deferred | Accepted | Approved, Green;

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