Add/Edit Anomaly Action Dialog

See below for the description of fields in the Add Anomaly Action/Edit Anomaly Action dialogs.

In the Add Anomaly Action dialog, only the Anomaly Action tab is visible, the other tabs get displayed once you have saved a new anomaly action and start editing it.

  • Anomaly Action tab:

    Field/Checkbox Name



    The name of the anomaly that this action belongs to. To change the anomaly that the action is assigned to, click the ellipsis button to the right.


    A name that uniquely identifies the anomaly action. Note that the name cannot exceed 50 characters.


    You can optionally select a status for the anomaly action. This list is user-definable and you can add/edit/delete statuses from the Select Status dialog that is triggered when you click the ellipsis button in the field.

    Reference Number

    A number that can be used to reference (or cross reference) the anomaly action. For example, the number may relate to a Work Order number in your Planned Maintenance System.

    Action Type

    Allows you to categorise your actions. Click the ellipsis button in the field to select an action type to be assigned to the anomaly action. The list is user-definable and you can add/edit/delete action types as required. You can also assign an event type to the anomaly action by selecting one in the Event Type field when creating or editing an action type. If you want to assign a task to the anomaly action, you must assign an event type to the action type here.

    Created At

    Enter the date when the anomaly action is created. This defaults to the current date, but is editable thereafter.

    Created By

    Select the name of the person creating the anomaly action. This defaults to the currently logged in user, but is changeable thereafter.

    Action Before

    Enter a due date that the anomaly action should be completed by.

    Assigned To

    Select the name of an individual or department that is responsible for progressing or completing the anomaly action.

    Completed At

    Enter the date when the anomaly action was completed. Note that an anomaly action is not deemed “completed” until there is a valid date entered in this field.

    Percent Complete

    Enter a value between 0 and 100. This is for reporting and information purposes only.


    A large free text field that allows you to specify additional information about the anomaly action, which could not be captured in the properties of the anomaly action.

  • Tasks tab:

    Shows tasks associated with the anomaly action. You can also add a new task here, which opens the Add Task dialog (see Add/Edit Task Dialog).

  • Planning Tasks tab:

    Shows planning tasks associated with the anomaly action. Anomaly actions can be assigned to a planning task when editing the planning task (see Assign Anomaly Action to a Planning Task).

  • History tab:

    See Checking History.

See also

Anomaly Actions