Configure Traffic Lights

Traffic lights are displayed as coloured dots next to each asset in the asset tree. You can display traffic lights in the asset tree by selecting the relevant traffic lighting from under the Traffic Lighting toolbar button (see Traffic Lighting).

You set up the traffic lighting rules under Configuration ‣ General ‣ Traffic Lights.

NEXUS predelivers the Traffic Lights asset information group (AIG), which centralises all the asset information fields you plan to use for traffic lights and allows you to glance at all the traffic lights for a given asset at once. You can also set up colour fields for traffic lights here.

Set up Traffic Lighting Rules

You can set up traffic lighting rules using one of the two methods described below:

Create Traffic Lights Using AIG Colour Fields

On the Traffic Lights AIG, you can define colour fields with functions, which can calculate the traffic light colour to be applied based on the rules that you defined. In this case, when setting up a traffic lighting rule, you can refer to this colour field. Follow the procedure below if you use this method:

  1. Choose Configuration ‣ General ‣ Traffic Lights from the menu.

  2. Choose Add from the top toolbar.

  3. Enter data as required in the Add Traffic Light dialog (see Configuration - Traffic Lights Dialog), and in the Colour Field field, ensure that you select the colour field that you defined in your AIG.

  4. Save your entries.

Create Traffic Lights Using Overlay Values

If you do not define a colour field, you can manually define overlay values in the bottom part of the Configuration - Traffic Lights dialog for the selected traffic light. By defining overlay values, you specify the traffic light colours to be applied based on the different values of the Value Field of the traffic light. If you’re using overlays, follow the steps below to set up a new traffic lighting rule:

  1. Choose Configuration ‣ General ‣ Traffic Lights from the menu.

  2. Choose Add from the top toolbar.

  3. Enter data as required in the Add Traffic Light dialog (see Configuration - Traffic Lights Dialog), and ensure that you leave the Colour Field field empty.

  4. Save your entries.

  5. Select the traffic light you’ve just created and choose Add from the bottom toolbar to define the first overlay value item.

  6. Enter data as required in the Add Overlay Value dialog (see Add/Edit Overlay Value Dialog).

  7. Save your entries.

  8. Follow step 5-7 above to set up other overlay values for different traffic light colours.

Set up Permissions

You can set up permissions for traffic lights to control which users and groups have access to display which traffic lights. Setting up permissions is optional, if you set no permissions, all users will by default have access to all traffic lights by default.

To configure permissions for traffic lights, proceed as follows:

  1. Edit a traffic light.

  2. Choose the Permissions tab.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Double-click an empty field under User / Group and pick a user or group.

  5. Under Permission, use the drop-down list to select a permission:

    • If you select Read Only or Deny Write, the user (or group of users) will be able to use that traffic light, but cannot edit it.

    • If you select Read/Write, the user will be able to use that traffic light, and also edit it.

    • If you select Deny All, the user will not be able to select the traffic light for viewing, and won’t be able to edit it either.

    Be sure not to deny access to all users, or you’ll wind up with a traffic light nobody can delete. See Manage User Security and Permissions for more information on how different permissions interact.

  6. Save your entries.