General Features

IC-Inspection shares most of the general features with NEXUS IC, with only a few minor differences.

For a comprehensive overview of all the general features, see General Features. See below for differences in IC-Inspection.


Similarly to NEXUS IC, you can perform database-wide search or asset-specific search as required (see Searching). Note though that IC-Inspection searches the following items:

  • Assets

  • Asset Information

  • Sub Asset Information

  • Event Templates

  • Event Template Groups

  • Anomaly Triggers - Only asset based anomaly triggers.

  • Tasks - Only if the Task Workpack matches the selected Active Workpack.

  • Events - If the event is in the selected active workpack, the event will be shown on the Event Listing (Workpack) pane. If the event is not in the selected active workpack, the event will be shown on the Event Listing (Historical) pane.

  • Library, ROV, Workpack and Survey Set - These results will open the editor dialog.

Using the Grid

You can use the same grid functionality in IC-Inspection, except for Reports (see Using the Grid). In IC-Inspection, you cannot generate reports.

Using the Status Bar

In IC-Inspection, you use the status bar in the same way as in NEXUS IC (see Using the Status Bar), except that in IC-Incpection, the Job Management Console is not available.