
Ad Hoc Task

A task for which multiple events can be recorded. When inspectors create an event for an ad hoc task and complete it, the ad hoc task stays in their list and they can create new events for that. This is useful, for example, for events like a damage, where inspectors must record any damage they see, even if it’s not part of their assigned tasks.


A record that represents a highlighted item of concern on the asset, which has deviated from the intended design or changes the risk and therefore requires to be remediated. You can add actions to associated anomalies within NEXUS and assign completion dates to ensure anomalies are being remediated.

Asset Information Group (AIG)

A form that stores attributes associated with an asset. The visibility of AIGs against each asset is determined based on the asset type of the asset and whether this AIG has been assigned to this asset type. Typically, risk assessment information is stored in AIGs. The relationship between an asset and an AIG is 1-to-1.

Asset Tree

A hierarchy of asset nodes where each asset node represents an individual asset and stores all data related to that specific asset. Each asset node has a single direct parent, and may have multiple children or siblings in the hierarchy. You can build several asset trees and switch between them by selecting the relevant asset view.

Electronic Corrosion Engineer (ECE)

A tool provided by Wood that assists corrosion engineers through the quantitative estimation of corrosion rates and selection of corrosion-resistant materials.


An inspection observation or measurement, or a record of a type of inspection or observation on a specific asset. The attributes of an event are configurable and can be aggregated. Its values can be used, for example, to calculate risks. You can import events in bulk, add them manually or create them from Tasks using IC-Inspector.

Expert System

Predefined database configurations that clients can subscribe to. Expert system databases are maintained by Wood engineers in-house and are kept up-to-date in line with the latest codes, standards and industry best practices. Once subscribed, clients can get the expert system configurations or their new versions imported into their own databases and can customize them as required.

Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)

An analytical tool that helps the identification and evaluation of a system’s potential failures.


Single data point or attribute in an AIG or Event table. The value of the field can be defined by the user or calculated dynamically by the system. Each AIG and event consists of one or more fields.


A record created to highlight possible concerns or significant observations associated with an event. Each finding is reviewed to determine if it has to be escalated and linked to an anomaly or it remains an observation on the source event. A finding can be raised on each event in NEXUS.

Fitness-for-Service (FFS)

An assessment used to determine whether an equipment or a structure is suitable for its intended use and is fit to continue operation.

Global Table

A configuration lookup table in NEXUS that does not have any referential integrity to any other data objects (for example, assets, workpacks). It is primarily used to store lookup values in drop-down lists.

Integrity Operating Window (IOW)

Sets of limits that ensure the safe operation of equipments and acceptable levels of equipment degradation to meet reliability expectations.

Library Item

A record that stores document metadata. Library items are electronic documents that can be linked to data and data types in NEXUS IC. Library item documents can be uploaded in the NEXUS IC library or linked using a URL.

Planning Task

A task in a planning template. Once a planning template is applied, a planning task becomes a task in a workpack.

Planning Template

A record that allows you to set up future workpacks and tasks. Once a planning template is applied, tasks in that planning template are created and assigned to a workpack.

Risk-Based Inspection (RBI)

A risk assessment and management process that aims to manage the risks of equipment failure through methods and inspection plan optimisation.

Reliability-Centred Maintenance (RCM)

A customised maintenance methodology that aims to optimise maintenance programs through the analysis of potential failure modes and their impact on system performance.


Shortcuts in NEXUS IC are sequences of actions that users can activate with a single menu item click.


Represents the requirement for a specific inspection activity (event) to be carried out on a specific asset. Tasks are usually created by an integrity engineer/work planner using NEXUS IC or IC-Web and are completed by inspectors using IC-Inspector.

Sub Asset Information Group (Sub AIG)

A table within an AIG, which allows for a 1-to-many relationship between an asset and sub AIG rows.


An umbrella record for a collection of events and tasks.