
In specific situations, IC-Inspection provides notifications about changes in its status. Examples of such changes include inspection start/stop events, incoming survey start/stop events, and video recorder start/stop events. When these notifications are low priority, they briefly appear in the bottom right corner of IC-Inspection’s main window. However, if they require your immediate attention during an inspection, they appear in the center of the window, flash red, and remain visible until the issue is resolved or you manually dismiss the warning.


A low-priority notification and a high-priority notification

If you start an inspection, but a DVR (Digital Video Recorder) fails to start recording, a modal dialog will inform you of this issue. If you decide that you no longer need that recorder, cancel the dialog and disable the device in the Devices pane. Otherwise, every time you launch an event, IC-Inspection will warn you that the recorder is not started. These dialogs and notifications serve to prevent accidental event triggering without video recording.

Other reasons for alert notifications include:

  • Invalid survey values: This occurs when the incoming survey value does not match the expected data type (for example, numeric, date/time).

  • Survey database destination errors: These errors occur when unit conversions fail between the incoming value and the database field.

  • No survey data received in the last five seconds.

You can find this information reflected both in the notification messages and in the State column of the Survey Values pane.