Enable Images with Graphical Markup for Event Fields

You can display multimedia images in event forms. To do that, you must configure the relevant field in the event type as follows:

  1. In the menu, go to Configuration ‣ Events ‣ Event Types.

  2. Select the relevant event type in the top half of the dialog.

  3. In the bottom half of the dialog, select an existing field or create a new field that will contain the image.

  4. On the Field Definition tab, enter data as required (see Add/Edit Field Definition Dialog) and ensure that you enter data as follows:

    • Select the value Table Link in the Field Type field.

    • In the Sub AIG/Event field, select a sub-event that contains two numeric fields called X and Y.

  5. On the Field Layout tab, in the Editor Type field, select how you want to create graphical markups on the image:

    • Graphical Markup (Line) - Choose this option if you would like to draw a series of line segments on the image (that is, as an open curve, good for representing cracks, scratches, and so on)

    • Graphical Markup (Point) - Choose this option if you want to draw points.

    • Graphical Markup (Region) - Choose this option if you would like to create a markup as a polygon (that is, a closed curve).