Civils and Structures Expert System


The Civils and Structures Expert System is configured to assist in the management of clients’ onshore structural assets. This expert system has been configured to allow storage of each structural components general, location, design, baseline, inspection, and risk data. A structural components inspection plan is automatically calculated following a probability of failure and consequence of failure risk assessment.

Codes / Standards


Asset Types

Asset Type


Associated Infrastructure

Roads and Associated Infrastructure


Civil Infrastructure

Bunds and Dykes

Spill Containment Structure

Buried Sewers

Drainage Network

Catch Basin

Drainage Network


Concrete Pavings

Civil Infrastructure

Concrete Pavings

Major Concrete Structure and Foundation

Concrete Sleepers

Major Concrete Structure and Foundation

Cooling Water Structures

Civil Infrastructure

Culverts and Tunnels

Civil Infrastructure

Deflection Wall

Civil Infrastructure

Drainage System

Drainage Network

Electrical and Instrument Support

Major Steel Structure and Foundation

Equipment Foundations

Major Concrete Structure and Foundation


Firewalls and Blastwalls

Fire and Blast Protection

Flare Structure

Major Steel Structure and Foundation

Gates and Fences

Major Steel Structure and Foundation

Ground Flare Structure

Major Steel Structure and Foundation

Guy Wire

Major Steel Structure and Foundation

Lifting and Handling Support

Major Steel Structure and Foundation


Drainage Network

Non-Process Building


Passive Fire Protection

Fire and Blast Protection

Permanent Safety Barriers

Roads and Associated Infrastructure

Piperack Structures

Major Steel Structure and Foundation

Process Building


Process Drain Sumps

Drainage Network

Retaining Walls

Civil Infrastructure

Roads and Car Parks

Roads and Associated Infrastructure

Sanitary Sewer System

Drainage Network

Secondary Steel Structure

Major Steel Structure and Foundation

Service Pits and Trenches

Major Concrete Structure and Foundation

Shelter or Shed


Standalone/Off-Skid Pipe Supports

Major Steel Structure and Foundation

Structural Component


Structural Steel Member

Structural System



Tall Structures

Major Steel Structure and Foundation

Tank Foundations

Major Concrete Structure and Foundation

Tertiary Steelwork

Major Steel Structure and Foundation

Asset Information

Asset Information Group


CSIM Baseline SAT

S.A.T details, scope, interfaces, design data, risk data, inspection methods and requirements including any additional data relevant to the baseline.

CSIM General Information

Area and block information, description of asset, associated equipment, and related documentation.

CSIM Location Information

Location name, eastings and northings.

CSIM Design Data

Wall thickness, load, foundation, drainage, and guy wire design criteria.

CSIM Probability of Failure

Civils and structures probability of failure assessment.

CSIM Consequence of failure

Civils and structures consequence of failure assessment.

CSIM Inspection Requirements

Inspection scope, interfaces, limits, specific instructions, preparation, tools and inspection considerations.

CSIM Inspection Plan

Risk assessment results, inspection plan (including last inspection date, calculated and override frequencies and next inspection dates) and approved inspection plan.

Risk Models


Inspection / Maintenance Events

Event Type


Bolt Integrity Inspection

Bolt condition

Bund Integrity Test

Bund type, volumes, water level readings, duration of test

Buried Sewer and Drainage Visual Survey

Overall condition of the drainage system

Close Visual Inspection - Concrete

Close Visual Inspection (CVI) of concrete condition

Close Visual Inspection - Masonry

Close Visual Inspection (CVI) of Masonry condition

Close Visual Inspection - Steel

Close Visual Inspection (CVI) of Steel condition

Close Visual Inspection - Tertiary Steelwork

Close Visual Inspection (CVI) of Tertiary Steelwork condition

Concrete Crack Inspection

Inspection technique, dimensions of crack and pH readings

General Area Walk-Around Inspection

Area code and name, general visual inspection of the area

General Movement Survey

Type of inspection, dimensions of the deviation

General Visual Inspection - Concrete

General Visual Inspection (GVI) of concrete condition

General Visual Inspection - Masonry

General Visual Inspection (GVI) of Masonry condition

General Visual Inspection - Steel

General Visual Inspection (GVI) of steel condition

General Visual Inspection - Tertiary Steelwork

General Visual Inspection (GVI) of Tertiary Steelwork

Ground Movement Survey

Type of inspection, reason for movement and general

Groundwater Survey

Type of inspection and water level readings

Guy Wire Close Visual Inspection

Design and measured dimensions, general condition, and structural deviation details

Guy Wire Tension Check

Design tension and tension readings

Level Survey

Monitoring location details and measured height

Local Deformation Survey

Type of inspection and overall condition

Post Event Walk-Around Inspection

Type of event recorded and overall condition

Wall Thickness Readings

Feature details, readings at clock positions and wall thickness design data

Weld Integrity Check

NDT technique carried out, position of reading and dimensions of flaw

Dashboards / Reports



CSIM Dashboard

For the selected structural component, this report displays a table of child assets and their risk results, risk matrix, inspections due chart and table of inspection types and the next inspection due dates


[Select a ‘Structural Component’ grouping] Generates an Excel listing of IMR Last Inspection dates, Frequencies and Next Dates

CSIM Structural Assessment Table Report

[Generate in MS Word] This report generates a Structural Assessment Table (S.A.T) template containing an asset description of the component to be inspected, scope of inspection, interfaces, as well as PoF and CoF values

CSIM Workpack Instruction Report

[Select a Workpack] Asset data, task listing, limits, open anomalies, historical inspections, documents and drawings.