Asset History

The Asset History functionality provides you with a tool to record key events of an asset or a group of assets throughout their life cycle. These asset history items represent information that should be captured for posterity. Asset history records can be retrieved in report templates or accessed via the UI.

You can maintain asset history records on the Asset History tab of the ASSETS screen as follows:

  • Add a new asset history record using the Add toolbar button. In the dialog that is displayed, specify a title for the record and if required, you can enter a date and comments. You can link the asset history record to a workpack and an event type. If you select a workpack, the date of Asset History item is automatically populated from the date of the workpack.

  • You can update asset history records using the Edit toolbar button as required.

  • You can delete the selected asset history records using the Delete toolbar button.

  • You can import asset history records using the standard import functionality available via the Import toolbar button. The MS Excel Import Template details the required format for importing asset history records. For more information, see Import.

  • You can export asset history records using the standard export functionality. For more information, see Export.

For information about customising the layout of the tab, see Customise.


To bulk update or delete asset history items, use the Multi-Edit functionality.

Reporting on Asset History

To retrieve Asset History data in a report template, use the System Table titled Asset History.