Configuration - Traffic Lights Dialog

From this dialog, you can add or edit traffic lighting rules (top part of the dialog) or add or edit overlay values for a selected traffic lighting rule (bottom part of the dialog).

You can use the standard grid functions (see Using the Grid) in the Configuration - Traffic Lights dialog to edit, delete, import, export traffic lights or check their connections.

Add/Edit Traffic Light Dialog

See below for the description of fields in the Add Traffic Light/Edit Traffic Light dialogs:

  • Traffic Light tab:

    Field Name



    Enter a name that uniquely identifies the traffic light.


    Describe the main purpose of the traffic light.

    Value Field

    Specify the field from which the system retrieves the value to determine the traffic light colour.

    Colour Field

    Specify the field in the asset’s asset information group (AIG) that calculates the traffic light colour. If you select a colour field from the AIG, the calculated value of this field is directly taken to determine the traffic light colour and you don’t need to set up overlay values. If you leave this field empty, you must define the rules for determining the traffic light colours using overlay values as described below.

    Hint Field

    Specify the text that you want to appear when the user hovers over the traffic light in the asset tree. If you leave this field empty, the hint text will be the value of the Value Field.

  • Permissions tab:

    For information about setting up permissions for traffic lights, see Set up Permissions.

Add/Edit Overlay Value Dialog

See below for the description of fields in the Add Overlay Value/Edit Overlay Value dialogs:

Field Name



Enter a name that uniquely identifies the overlay value. This text is used as the label of the traffic light colour in the legend that appears under the asset tree.

String Value

If the Value Field is an alphanumeric field, specify the actual field value for which the given traffic light colour should be applied.

Min Value

If the Value Field is a numeric field, specify the minimum value for which the given traffic light colour should be applied. The traffic light colour will be used in case the value in the Value Field is larger than or equal to the minimum value you specify here.

Max Value

If the Value Field is a numeric field, specify the maximum value for which the given traffic light colour should be applied. The traffic light colour will be used in case the value in the Value Field is less than the maximum value you specify here.


Select the colour to be used as the traffic light colour for this item.

Legend Order

Controls the order of the item in the traffic light legend that appears under the asset tree.