Add/Edit Library Dialog

See below for the description of fields in the Add/Edit Library dialog:

Field/Checkbox Name


Library Type

Select the library type to which you want to assign the library item.


Enter a name that identifies the library item. This is a 100-character mandatory field. Most often, you use either the document title or the document number as the name of the library item.


A 100-character field that provides more descriptive information of the library item.

Document No.

A 50-character field that stores the Document Number or Reference.


Can indicate at what stage the library item is based on your own requirements (for example, ‘01’ or ‘A’).

Reference Date

You can assign a specific date to the library item as required.

Physical Location

If this library item is a reference to a hard copy document, then enter the physical location of the document.


When linking this document to a UNC or URL, you can specify the full hyperlink in this field. Examples of valid URL and UNC paths:

  • https://www.<webpage>.com/

  • \\\groups\eng\this_doc.docx


If you define a mapped drive as a hyperlink location (for example, H:\Working\document.docx), then you must ensure that the drive letter H:\ is mapped for every other potential NEXUS IC user. Instead of mapped drives, we recommended that you use UNC paths for network drive locations.


Allows you to add an attachment to the library item in one of the following ways:

  • Import - Loads a document into the NEXUS IC database, or replaces an existing document.

  • Link - Links to a file on a mapped drive. A copy of the file will be stored in the NEXUS database and updated when the file changes.

  • Export - Saves the document to a folder location of your choice.

  • Launch - Launches the attached item in the default Windows viewer.

  • Copy - Copies the attachment to your clipboard.

  • Clear - Removes the attachment from the library item.

Show Grey Scale

When enabled, DWG or DXF drawing layers are displayed in black and white instead of designed colours. This is only applicable to documents that are selected to be shown as drawing.

Show Captions

Shows or hides caption layers of a DWG or DXF drawing. This is only applicable to documents that are selected to be shown as drawing.

Show Dimensions

Shows or hides dimension layers of a DWG or DXF drawing. This is only applicable to documents that are selected to be shown as drawing.

Use in Reports

Determines if the library item is output to reports.

Force 2D

If you have DWG or DXF drawings which NXUS detects as 3D, and you’d prefer NEXUS to treat them as 2D, tick this checkbox on those drawings.

Background Colour

Allows you to define the background colour of a document. Note that this functionality only works on drawing types that support transparency (for example, DXF, DWG, GIF).