Anomaly Management

Once the inspection process is completed and anomalies have been identified from findings, anomalies can be reviewed and managed in NEXUS IC.

The general process is depicted in the figure and described below.


This workflow represents a simplified version of a basic anomaly management process. Your specific process may vary based on your unique business requirements and implementation.

Click a node for more information.

Create Anomaly
From Finding
Bulk Import
Complete Anomaly Action
Optional record
Process step
Optional process step
from Finding
Assign and Execute
If can be closed
If can be completed
If requires task
Assign to Anomaly
Review Anomaly Action

  1. Reviewing engineers can create anomalies directly from findings, in which case, a link is automatically created, or they can create individual anomalies (see Create Anomalies) and link them from findings later (see Link Finding to Anomaly). Anomalies can also be bulk imported to NEXUS IC.

  2. Reviewing engineers must review each anomaly and create anomaly actions as required (see Anomaly Actions).

  3. Anomaly actions can be assigned directly to an individual for execution with a specific due date. Alternatively, if required, a task can be assigned to initiate an inspection process (see Assign Task to Anomaly Action).

  4. The anomaly action or the task must be executed. In case of a task, once the inspector has completed it, an event is generated, and the finding resulting from this event must be linked back to the original anomaly.

  5. Once the anomaly action or task has been executed, a reviewing engineer must review the anomaly action and determine if it can be marked as completed (see Complete Anomaly Actions).

  6. After the anomaly actions have been completed, the anomaly undergoes another review to assess whether it can be closed.

  7. If the anomaly has been remediated, it can be closed (see Close Anomalies), signifying the end of the anomaly management process.