Configure Anomalies

When you choose Configuration ‣ Anomalies from the main menu of NEXUS IC, you can configure functions related to anomalies as described below.


This feature was designed to enable assigning checklists to findings, which could remind inspectors to carry out specific activities. This feature is not supported at the moment.


Under this menu option, you can define codes for identifying the type of findings or anomalies, for example, DB (Debris). For further categorisation, you can optionally assign anomaly categories (see Code Categories) to these codes.

Code Categories

You can set up anomaly code categories to group codes (see above). If your database contains different kinds of data, for example, some below-water and some above-water data, you can create one code category for “Above water” and another for “Below water”. You can then assign these code categories to codes under Configuration ‣ Anomalies ‣ Codes.


You can set up a list of priorities for classifying anomalies based on their priority, for example, “Level 5 - Extreme”, …, “Level 1 - None”.


You can define sets for grouping anomalies, which can be useful for sorting, filtering or reporting as required.


You can create a list of severities that can be assigned to anomalies and findings.

When you set up anomaly triggers on fields, you can assign a severity to it. You can set several triggers on a single field, with a variety of different severities. If that anomaly trigger is violated on an event field, a finding of that code and severity will automatically be created. Severities let you equate dissimilar problems, for example, you can decide that a problem in one field is of the same severity as a problem in a different field.


You can define a list of statuses that can be assigned to anomalies. This can reflect the current situation with the anomaly, for example, “Rectified - Closed”, “Not Anomalous - Closed”, “Monitor”, “Temporary Repair”, and so on.

Action Status

You can define a list of statuses that can be assigned to specific actions associated with anomalies. This can reflect the current situation with the action. The default action statuses are “Approved”, “Assigned”, “Completed”, “Proposed”, and “Rejected”, but you can customise these to meet your needs.

Action Types

Under this menu option, you can set up action types that can be assigned to anomaly actions. From the same dialog, you can then link a specific event type to the action type. This enables creating a task for an anomaly action on the ANOMALIES screen. If an event type is linked to the action type of a specific action on the Actions tab, the menu option Shortcuts ‣ Assign Task will be enabled for the specific anomaly action on this tab and you can assign tasks with that particular event type to the action.

If an anomaly action doesn’t have an action type assigned to it, or its action type is not linked to an event type, you cannot assign tasks to it and the menu option will be disabled.

Finding Status

You can define a list of internal statuses for findings to reflect their current situation in the workflow. These statuses can be assigned when creating or editing findings, which can be useful when reviewing findings on the INSPECTION or ANOMALIES screens.