
On the Map pane, you can see the events visible on the Event Listing (Workpack) or Event Listing (Historical) panes (see Event Listing) on a two-dimensional map, based on their easting (x-coordinate) and northing (y-coordinate). Each event is a dot, coloured with the event type’s colour. The colour for each event is set up in NEXUS IC as described in Configure Event Types.


The Map pane only shows event data included in the filters you applied on the Event Listing pane (for example, workpacks, event types, column-specific filters). You can also filter by event type using the Event Types toolbar button options. If the events you are interested in are Continuous Event data (such as cross-profiles), ensure that you select that Continuous Event in your event type filter.


You can zoom in or out by clicking in the map area and (with the mouse cursor still inside the map area) spinning the mouse wheel. You can also control zoom with the relevant toolbar buttons.

Maps Toolbar

You can use the following toolbar menu options on the Map pane to manage the appearance of the map:

Toolbar Option


Zoom In

Zooms the map in.

Zoom Out

Zooms the map out.

Reset Zoom

Resets the zoom so that all data points are visible.


Copies the map, as currently displayed, to the clipboard.


Shows or hides the legend of the events on the map either on the side or at the bottom. The legend includes the event types that are selected and the layers that have their opacity set to anything above 0%. Layers and event types can be switched off by clicking on the layer or event on the legend. If you hover the mouse over an item on the legend, other series on the map will fade out temporarily. If you export the map, only series currently visible will be exported.

Map Layers

Shows or hides layers on the map and controls their opacity. The menu options include free-to-use map layers from the web, such as ESRI World Imagery, ESRI World Topographic, ESRI Ocean Base Map, ESRI Street Map, and so on. The available map servers can be configured under Configuration ‣ General ‣ Map Servers from the main menu. Each of these layers has an opacity drop-down list to be selected from 0% to 100%. If you select 0% for any of the layers, it will not be included in the map legend.

Event Types

Selects what event types are displayed. This is more persistent than clicking/unclicking series on the map legend.

Inspection Track

Selecting a workpack from under this toolbar option will show a line on the map connecting events in the order they were logged. If the events were logged by a single ROV (or a single human inspector), this track will show the path that the ROV (or inspector) took.


Shows or hides the baseline coordinates of the assets behind the events on the map. For example, in case of a pipeline, a black line can be displayed that shows the position of the pipeline. This is shown based on your settings for the asset’s coordinates under Assets ‣ Coordinates (also available in the context menu (right-click) of the selected asset).


Shows the sources of the various fields used by the Map pane to display pipeline baseline data and map data. “As Built - Easting”, “As Built - Northing” and “As Built - Order” should all point to the same table, which is the table used to supply the pipeline baseline track. Typically you would point these three fields at a sub-AIG. If you don’t configure these, no as-built track will be displayed. If your pipeline has many events on it, not showing an as-built may be OK. Users may be able to get a sense of the pipeline track from the events on it. “Coordinates - Datum” and “Coordinates - UTM Zone” should point to fields that provide these values. Typically they will be in an AIG. Only one datum and one UTM Zone are necessary for an entire asset. Ask your surveyors for the values that you should fill in to these fields.

Export Image

Saves the map to an image file.