Parse Video

Clicking on an item in the Parse Video drop-down menu causes NEXUS IC to read video and image files and store their properties (such as start time and duration) in the database. The datetime properties of the video and image files are the links to the events in the Inspection screen.

  • Choosing Global Video parses all video and image files in the Global Video Path. (Typically you would use this option onshore.)

  • Choosing Temporary Video parses all files in the Temporary Inspection Video Path. Files ending in ‘.uploaded’ will be ignored. (Typically you would use this option offshore.)

  • Choosing All Video parses all files in both those locations.

The parsed videos and images will appear in the Tools ‣ Video… dialog (see above).

As files are parsed, start time data will be read from the filename. After the parse completes, any files whose start time could not be read will be shown in a list. These files will be present in the Configuration - Video dialog but cannot be uploaded until their names are edited to match one of the accepted filename formats.

See also

Managing Videos