Make Expert System Version Available to Client

If the client has subscribed to an expert system, in the client management database (NEXUS_Clients), the new expert system version must be made available for clients. In case of a new expert system, it also has to be assigned to the client first.


The expert system or expert system version has been created and published in the source database as described in Create Expert Systems and Versions.


  1. Open the client management database (NEXUS_Clients).

  2. In case it is a new expert system, assign the expert system to the client:

    1. Choose the Default View asset view and navigate to the client’s database.

    2. Select the client’s database and from the toolbar, choose Assets ‣ Add ‣ Linked Asset (With Children)/Linked Asset (Without Children).

    3. Choose the Feature Related asset view and from the Expert Systems hierarchy, select the expert system that you want to assign to the client.

    4. Click OK.

    5. Make sure that the expert system appears as a sub-node under the client’s database node in the asset hierarchy.

  3. Select the relevant expert system from the asset hierarchy.

  4. On the Asset Information tab, under Versions, double-click the new version of the database or select it and choose Edit.

  5. In the dialog that opens, change the value of the Available to Clients field to Yes and click OK.


    The new expert system is now available for download in the client’s database. It can now be deployed as described in Deploy Expert Systems and Versions.